Without a solid foundation, your home could develop serious structural problems and may eventually collapse. That’s why protecting your foundation is so important. Most slab foundations have a great deal of durability, but they can still get damaged. If...
It’s easy to take concrete patios, sidewalks, driveways, and garage floors for granted. You walk or drive all over them, so they seem pretty invincible. Like a weightlifter who stops working out, a concrete surface that isn’t properly maintained can...
Landscaping next to a home’s foundation can make the structure look more aesthetically pleasing. But if it’s not done properly, it could have a negative impact on your home’s structural integrity. It can even lead to expensive repairs later on. Most...
Because the climate in this state can experience a broad range of weather, slab foundations have grown popular in Texas. They can adapt to changing temperatures, especially in warmer climates. Because Texas has a shallow frost depth, slab foundations are an ideal...
Because of its role as a structural base, the foundation is an important part of your home. It has to bear the weight of the entire structure and everything inside it. The time it has before it becomes unstable will depend on the type of soil on which it was built. If...