Spalled Concrete Repair

Spalling occurs when concrete starts to break away from the surface, and it often extends to the top layers of the reinforcing steel. It can happen to a number of structures, including the following:

  • Framed buildings.
  • Multi-story car parks.
  • Bridges.
  • Jetties.
  • Tanks.

Spalling makes the concrete surface look patchy and pitted as it exposes the aggregates located underneath. That’s why you need to schedule a repair as soon as you notice it. Otherwise, it will compromise the integrity of the concrete surface. It can also affect the structure’s aesthetic appearance.

spalling concrete

Causes of Spalled Concrete

Spalling can occur because the rebar has been exposed to humidity and water, which has caused it to rust. But it can also be because the concrete joints weren’t properly built. As the weather changes, the concrete will expand and cause it to spall (which will lead to further deterioration). One way to prevent this is to apply a good sealant to the finished surface, which will keep water from getting into the concrete.

Spalling can also be avoided if the concrete is carefully managed and appropriate techniques are used when it’s being poured. This includes making sure that the concrete adequately covers the rebar while the joints are at the right location and distances. You should pay attention to the edges and corners of the exposed concrete to make sure there’s enough cover. You also have to think about the concrete mix, because adding too much water can lead to spalling.

badly spalled concrete

How to Fix Concrete Spalling

If you fix spalled concrete early enough, the repair process should be easy because it starts out as a cosmetic imperfection that’s caused by cold weather. If the temperature drops below freezing, moisture inside the concrete can expand (which creates internal pressure). As the temperature rises and falls throughout the year, so will the internal pressure. This will put stress on the surface layer of the concrete, which will lead to spalling.

The spalled concrete repair process will involve the application of a new surface layer so it can have a smoother and like-new appearance, but it will also protect it from getting damaged in the future. It doesn’t require a lot of special skills or even a great deal of experience in working with concrete, but you need to have access to the right materials and equipment.

Here are the steps involved for repairing spalled concrete:

  • Choose a concrete resurfacing product — Resurfacing products are specifically formulated to restore lackluster concrete, and it makes it easy to fix spalled concrete on your own. It spreads over the concrete surface to create a fresh, flawless finish.
  • Thoroughly clean the surface — Before you do anything to the concrete surface, you need to make sure it’s clean. You want to use a pressure washer or any other high-powered tool to remove dirt, dust, and debris because any extra materials can interfere with the adhesion and bonding. If you don’t own a pressure washer, you can rent one for a half a day at your local home improvement store.
  • Get your tools and materials ready — Before you start working, you want to make sure the temperature isn’t below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. The only tools you need are a long, handheld squeegee and a cordless drill that has been fitted with a paddle-type mixer. Make sure you have everything together before you start, so you don’t have to get something else halfway through the project.
  • Mix and apply the resurfacer — Combine the resurfacer with some water inside a bucket, tub, or wheelbarrow. But make sure you use the ratio that’s recommended by the manufacturer. You want to use the drill-mounted paddle attachment to mix them together until you have a lump-free consistency that’s similar to pancake batter. If it looks too thick, add a bit more water. But if it’s too thin, add more of the mix. After you have lightly dampened the driveway, prefill any cracks or holes with a small amount of the mixture. Then, you can pour the resurfacer onto the surface while using the squeegee to push and pull the material across the surface. This will create an even layer that’s up to an eighth of an inch thick.

While that’s all you need to fix spalled concrete, some jobs are meant for professionals. If you’re looking for one of the best places for repairing spalled concrete in Corpus Christi, be sure to reach out to Streem Foundation Repair. We would be happy to speak with you about your specific needs!