Common Foundation Repair Techniques

Common Foundation Repair Techniques

If your home has a settling foundation, it’s important to fix the problem as soon as possible. But the foundation repair technique that your home needs will depend on a number of factors, which can include the following: The symptoms that your home is experiencing....
3 Different Types of Slab Foundations

3 Different Types of Slab Foundations

Most homes in Texas are built on expansive clay soil. And because it shrinks and swells according to the amount of moisture, it can be a major source of foundation problems. To keep your foundation from getting damaged from clay soil that expands and contracts, Texas...
8 Warning Signs of Foundation Problems

8 Warning Signs of Foundation Problems

One of the most important parts of your home is the foundation (if not the most important). It supports the entire structure, keeps moisture out, and resists movement. It also insulates your home from the heat and cold. While most foundations can last a lifetime...
5 Common Slab Foundation Issues

5 Common Slab Foundation Issues

Slab foundations have become increasingly common in Texas because they’re cost-effective and are also ideally designed for the state’s soil composition. But, they also have their disadvantages. A lot of the problems related to slab-on grade foundations are the result...