5 Slab Foundation Maintenance Tips

5 Slab Foundation Maintenance Tips

Without a solid foundation, your home could develop serious structural problems and may eventually collapse. That’s why protecting your foundation is so important. Most slab foundations have a great deal of durability, but they can still get damaged. If...
Slab Foundation Repair FAQ

Slab Foundation Repair FAQ

Because the climate in this state can experience a broad range of weather, slab foundations have grown popular in Texas. They can adapt to changing temperatures, especially in warmer climates. Because Texas has a shallow frost depth, slab foundations are an ideal...
Common Foundation Repair Techniques

Common Foundation Repair Techniques

If your home has a settling foundation, it’s important to fix the problem as soon as possible. But the foundation repair technique that your home needs will depend on a number of factors, which can include the following: The symptoms that your home is experiencing....